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Each year in Alberta, over 800 power line contacts are reported. Already this year, EQUS has responded to multiple incidents in which vehicles and equipment have come into contact with our power lines and poles. We know that we typically see an increase in the frequency of these incidents in the spring, late summer, and fall as large agriculture equipment is moving in and out of the fields and travelling on roadways.

As farm equipment continues to grow upwards and outwards, so does the risk of accidentally contacting power lines. Extensions on equipment such as newer seeders and sprayers can reach over 7 metres in height and have significant width when fully extended. EQUS requires any loads over 4.8 metres in height be considered ‘High Loads’ that must be brought to our attention to ensure safe transport under EQUS power lines. Before raising or lowering booms, wings, or any other extensions take a moment to ensure your safety by looking around and up. Be aware of any power lines nearby and know the total height and width of your equipment including antennas and extensions before moving your equipment.

These line contact incidents result in costly damage to expensive equipment and electrical infrastructure, and can cause serious injury and even death. They are also entirely preventable. Protect yourself and avoid contact by staying a minimum of seven metres (23 feet) away from any overhead power lines.

If you’re unsure about the safest route to travel with agriculture and construction equipment, or other large loads, please reach out to your local EQUS Area Office by calling 310.EQUS(3787).

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