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At EQUS, we believe in the importance of involving youth in the co-operative values that guide us. Each year EQUS sponsors four youth from our membership who are interested in learning about the co-operative values, principles, and business model to attend the Alberta Community and Co-operative Association (ACCA) Youth Leadership Camp.

The program provides an opportunity for youth to develop leadership and teamwork skills and build confidence, relationships and communities. The seven-day camps take place at the Goldeye Centre near Nordegg and are for youth ages 11 – 18.

This year, camps are scheduled to begin June 30, running through to mid-July:

If you’re an EQUS member and you have a youth in your family looking to develop their leadership skills, build friendships, and learn about community and co-operatives encourage them to request a sponsorship!

To request sponsorship, send an email to communications@equs.ca and let us know why you would like to attend the ACCA Youth Leadership Camp. Requests must be received by Friday, May 6, 2022 to be considered.

Learn More about the ACCA Camps here!


ACCA Summer Camp Sponsorships

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